- N. Ioku, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Existence of solutions to a fractional semilinear heat equation in uniformly local weak Zygmund type spaces, to appear in Anal. PDE
- T. Kawakami, Y. Sire and J.-N. Wang, Fujita exponent for the global-in time sollutions to a semilinear heat equation with non homogeneous weights, to apper in J. Evol. Equ.
- M. Fila, K. Ishige, and T. Kawakami, Solvability of the heat equation on a half-space with a dynamical boundary condition and unbounded initial data, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 74 (2023), Paper No. 143, 17 pp. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Refined asymptotic expansions of solutions to fractional diffusion equations, to apper in J. Dynam. Differential Equations.
- S. Hasegawa, N. Ikoma and T. Kawakami, On weak solutions to a fractional Hardy-Henon equation: Part II: Existence, Nonlinear Anal. 227 (2023), Paper No. 113165, 48 pp.
- K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and S. Okabe, Existence of solutions to nonlinear parabolic equations via majorant integral kernel, Nonlinear Anal. 223 (2022), Paper No.113025, 22pp.
- G. Furioli, T. Kawakami and E. Terraneo, Heat equation with an exponential nonlinear boundary condtion in the half space, Partial Differ. Equ. Appl. 3 (2022), Paper No.36.
- S. Hasegawa, N. Ikoma and T. Kawakami, On weak solutions to a fractional Hardy-Henon equation: Part I: Nonexistence. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 20 (2021), 1559--1600. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and J. Lankeit, The large diffusion limit for the heat equation in the exterior of the unit ball with a dynamical boundary condition, Discrete Cintin. Dyn. Syst. 40 (2020), 6529--6546. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and S. Okabe, Existence of solutions for a higher-order semilinear parabolic equation with singular initial data, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 37 (2020) 1185--1209. impact factor; SJR
- T. Kawakami and M. Muratori, Nonexistence of radial optimal functions for the Sobolev inequality on Mn, to appear in Springer INdAM Series
- M. Jleli, T. Kawakami and B. Samet, Critical behavior for a semilinear parabolic equation with forcing term depending of time and space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 486 (2020), 123931, 16 pp. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, The large diffusion limit for the heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), 2050003, 20 pp. impact factor; SJR
- Y. Fujishima, T. Kawakami and Y. Sire, Critical exponent for the global existence of solutions to a semilinear heat equation with degenerate coefficients, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 58 (2019), Art. 62. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and Johannes Lankeit, Rate of convergence in the large diffusion limit for the heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Asymptot. Anal. 114 (2019), 37--57. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Critical Fujita exponents for semilinear heat equations with quadratically decaying potential, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 69 (2020) 2171--2207. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and H. Michihisa, Asymptotic expansions of solutions of fractional diffusion equations, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 49 (2017), 2167--2190. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, An exterior nonlinear elliptic problem with a dynamical boundary condition, Rev. Mat. Complut. 30 (2017), 281--312. impact factor; SJR
- G. Furioli, T. Kawakami, B. Ruf and E. Terraneo, Asymptotic behavior and decay estimates of the solutions for a nonlinear parabolic equation with exponential nonlinearity, J. Differential Equations 262 (2017), 145--180. impact factor; SJR
- T. Kawakami and H. Takeda, Higher order asymptotic expansions to the solutions for a nonlinear damped wave equation, No DEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 23 (2016), Art. 54, 30pp. impact factor; SJR
- T. Iwabuchi and T. Kawakami, Existence of mild solutions for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with critical fractional viscosity in the Besov spaces, J. Math. Pures Appl. 107 (2017), 464--489. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and M. Sierzega, Supersolutions for a class of nonlinear parabolic systems, J. Differential Equations 260 (2016), 6084--6107. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Minimal solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, J. Math. Pures Appl. 105 (2016), 788--809. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with singular Dirichelet boundary data, J. Ellipitic Parabol. Equ. 1 (2015), 331--357.
- T. Kawakami and Y. Sugiyama, Uniqueness theorem on weak solutions to the Keller-Segel system of degenerate and singular types, J. Differential Equations 260 (2016), 4683--4716. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Existence of positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 54 (2015), 2059--2078. impact factor; SJR
- T. Kawakami and S. Sakaguchi, When does the heat equation have a solution with a sequence of similar level sets?, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 194 (2015), 1595--1605. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and K. Kobayashi, Asymptotics for a nonlinear integral equation with a generalized heat kernel, J. Evol. Equ. 14 (2014), 749--777. impact factor; SJR
- Y. Kabeya, T. Kawakami, A. Kosaka and H. Ninomiya, Eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a large spherical cap under the Robin problem, Kodai Math. J. 37 (2014), 620--645. impact factor; SJR
- T. Kawakami, Higher order asymptotic expansion for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 57 (2014), 57--89. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and K. Kobayashi, Global solutions for a nonlinear integral equation with a generalized heat kernel, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S. 7 (2014), 767--783.
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Large time behavior of small solutions of a two-dimensional semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Asymptot. Anal. 85 (2013), 107--123. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Asymptotic expansions of solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations, J. Anal. Math. 121 (2013), 317--351. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Large time behavior of solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Adv. Differential Equations 18 (2013), 69--100. impact factor; SJR
- T. Kawakami and Y. Ueda, Asymptotic profiles to the solutions for a nonlinear damped wave equation, Differential Integral Equations 26 (2013), 781--814. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Refined asymptotic profiles a semilinear heat equation, Math. Ann. 353 (2012), 161--192. impact factor; SJR
- M. Fila, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Convergence to the Poisson kernel for the Laplace equation with a nonlinear dynamical boundary condition, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 11 (2012), 1285--1301. impact factor; SJR
- T. Kawakami, Entropy dissipation method for the solutions of the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 20 (2010), 169--192.
- K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Global solutions of the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 39 (2010), 429--457.impact factor; SJR
- T. Kawakami, Global existence of solutions for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 368 (2010), 320--329. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige, M. Ishiwata and T. Kawakami, The decay of the solutions for the heat equation with a potential, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 58 (2009), 2673--2707. impact factor; SJR
- K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Asymptotic behavior of solutions for some semilinear heat equations in RN, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 8 (2009), 1351--1371. impact factor; SJR
- Y. Fujishima, K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Existence of solutions for a semilinear parabolic systemwith singular initial data,
- K. Ishige, T. Kawakami and R. Takada Existence of solutions to the fractional semilinear heat equation with a singular inhomogeneous term,
- K. Ishige, S. Katayama and T. Kawakami Fundamental solution to the heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition,
- T. Kawakami, Entropy dissipations methods for the solutions of the porous medium equation with absorption. Nonlinear phenomena with energy dissipation, 243--252, GAKUTO Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl., 29, GakkÅtosho, Tokyo, 2008.
- K. Ishige and T. Kawakami, Asymptotic behavior of solutions of some semilinear heat equations in RN. Recent advances in nonlinear analysis, 171--180, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2008.
Talk (International conference)
- Asymptotic expansions of solutions to fractional diffusion equations, Geometric PDE and Applied Analysis Seminar, OIST, Okinawa, June, 2024.
- Existence of solutions to a fractional semilinear heat equation in uniformly local weak Zygmund type spaces, Italian Japanese Nonlinear Days, Milano Univeristy, Milano, Italy, May, 2024.
- Existence of solutions to a fractional semilinear heat equation in uniformly local weak Zygmund type spaces, East Asia Workshop on Nonlinear Evolution Equations, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, March, 2024.
- Solvability of the heat equation on a half-space with a dynamical boundary condition, Workshop on Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Related Stochastic Topics, Waseda University, Tokyo, Nobember, 2023.
- Solvability of the heat equation on a half-space with a dynamical boundary condition, Euro-Japanese Conference on Nonlinear diffusions, ICMAT-UAM, Madrid, Spain, October, 2023.
- Solvability of the heat equation on a half-space with a dynamical boundary condition, Evolution Equations and Related Topics - Energy Structures and Quantitative Analysis -, RIMS, October, 2023.
Existence of solutions to nonlinear parabolic equations via majorant integral kernel Seminar on Qualitative Theory of DIfferential Equations, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, October, 2022.
- The large diffusion limit for the heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition, BIRS-CMO Workshop "New Trends in Nonlinear Diffusion: a Bridge between PDEs, Analysis and Geometry", Casa Mathematica Oaxaca (Online), September, 2021.
- Critical Fujita exponents for semilinear heat equations with quadratically decaying potential, Nonlinear Analysis Workshop, Chinese academy of Science, October, 2019.
- Critical exponent for the global existence of solutions to a semilinear heat equation with degenerate coefficients, New development in the theory of evolution equations: theory, phenomena and technology, RIMS, September, 2019.
- Critical exponent for the global existence of solutions to a semilinear heat equation with degenerate coefficients, 4th Swiss-Japanese PDE Seminar, I-site Namba, September, 2019.
- Critical exponent for the global existence of solutions to a semilinear heat equation with degenerate coefficients, The 44th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, Hokkaido University, August, 2019.
- Critical Fujita exponents for semilinear heat equations with quadratically decaying potential, Workshop on Nonlinear parabolic PDEs and related fields, The University of Tokyo, June, 2019.
- The large diffusion limit for the heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Vi Italian-Japanese workshop on Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's, Cortona, Italy, May, 2019.
- The large diffusion limit for the heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition, PDE seminar, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, May, 2019.
- Heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 12th AIMS International Conference on Dyn. Systems, Diff. Equations and Applications, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, July, 2018.
- Positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with singular Dirichlet boundary data, 12th AIMS International Conference on Dyn. Systems, Diff. Equations and Applications, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, July, 2018.
- Large diffusion limit for the heat equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 8th Euro-Japanses Workshop On Blow-up, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan June, 2018.
- Critical Fujita exponents for semilinear heat equations with quadratically decaying potential, UK-Japan Workshop on Analysis of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, May, 2018.
- A semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 1138th AMS Meeting, Special Session on Partuial Differential Equations and New Perspecrive of Variational Methods, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, April, 2018.
- A semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Seminario di Analisi matematica, University of Bergamo, Dalmine, Italy, November, 2017.
- Asymptotic expansion of solutions of fractional diffusion equations, Seminario di Analisi Nonlineare, University of Milano, Milano, Italy, November, 2017.
- An exterior nonlinear elliptic problem with a dynamical boundary condition, Analysis and Partial Differential Quations Semionar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, Octorber, 2017.
- Decay estimates of the solutions for a nonlinear parabolic equation, Equadiff 2017, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, July, 2017.
- Asymptotic expansion of solutions of fractional diffusion equations, Singularity and asymptotic behavior os solutions for partial differential equations with conservation law, RIMS, Kyoto, June, 2017.
- An exterior nonlinear elliptic problem with a dynamical boundary condition, 2017 NCTS Workshop on Applied Mathematics ant Tainan, NCTS, Tainan University, March, 2017.
- Asymptotic behavior and decay estimates of the solutions for a nonlinear parabolic equation with exponential nonlinearity, International Workshop on Nonlinear PDEs 2016 in Osaka, Osaka Prefecture University, Nanba, December, 2016.
- An exterior nonlinear elliptic problem with a dynamical boundary condition, Analysis on Shapes of Solutions to Partial Differential Equations, RIMS, Kyoto, November, 2016.
- An exterior nonlinear elliptic problem with a dynamical boundary condition, Geometry of solutions of PDE's and its related inverse problems, Tohoku University, Sendai, October, 2016.
- A semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 7th Euro-Japanese workshop on Blow-up, Bedlewo, Poland, September, 2016.
- Minimal solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, XXXVI Convegno di Analisi Armonica,Gargnano, Italy, June, 2016.
- Minimal solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 9th European conference on elliptic and parabolic problems, Gaeta, Italy, May, 2016.
- Higher order asymptotic expansions to the solutions for a nonlinear damped wave equation, Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, May, 2016.
- Minimal solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Seminari d'edps i aplicacions, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, February, 2016.
- Existence of mild solutions for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with critical fractional viscosity in the Besov spaces, Seminario di Calcolo delle Variazioni & Equazioni alle Derivate Parziali, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy, February, 2016.
- Existence of mild solutions for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation with critical fractional viscosity in the Besov spaces, Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, November, 2015.
- Minimal solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Seminari di Analisi nonlineare, Universita degli studi di Milano, Italia, November 2015.
- When does the heat equation have a solution with a sequence of similar level sets?, Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's, 4th Italian-Japanese Workshop, Palinuro, Italia, May 2015.
- When does the heat equation have a solution with a sequence of similar level sets?, Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, May, 2015.
- When does the heat equation have a solution with a sequence of similar level sets?, 2015 NCTS Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Tankang University, Taiwan, March 2015
- When does the heat equation have a solution with a sequence of similar level sets?, Singularities Arising in Nonilinear Problems 2014, Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, November 2014
- Existence of positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, HMC seminar, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, November 2014
- Existence of positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 10th AIMS International Conference on Dyn. Systems, Diff. Equations and Applications, Madrid, Spain, July 2014
- Existence of positive solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 8th European conference on elliptic and parabolic problems, Gaeta, Italia, May 2014.
- Large time behavior of solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, 3rd Italian-Japanese Workshop on Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, September 2013.
- Large time behavior of solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation with a dynamical boundary condition, Equadiff 13, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2013.
- Asymptotic expansions of solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations, ERC-NUMERIWAVES Seminar, BCAM, Spain, March 2013.
- Large time behavior of solutions of some elliptic equations with a dynamical boundary condition, Fukae workshop on PDE (2013), Kobe, Japan, January 2013.
- Convergence to the Poisson kernel for the Laplace equation with a nonlinear dynamical boundary condition, Swiss-Japanese seminar, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2012.
- Higher order asymptotic expansion for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, 5th Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up, Luminy, France, September 2012.
- Convergence to the Poisson kernel for the Laplace equation with a nonlinear dynamical boundary condition,Second Sino-Chilean Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis, Facultad Mathematicas Pontificia Unversidad Catolica, Santiago, July, 2012.
- High order asymptotic expansion for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, Workshop on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Dept of Math Center of PDE, ECNU, November, 2011.
- High order asymptotic expansion for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, Analysis on Non-equilibria and Nonlinear Phenomena -from the evolution equation point of view-, RIMS, Kyoto, October, 2011.
- Asymptotic profile for the Laplace equation with a nonlinear dynamical boundary condition, Concentration and Related Topics for Nonlinear Problems, Tohoku University, November, 2010.
- Convergence to the Poisson kernel for the Laplace equation with a nonlinear dynamical boundary condition, The 14th Hiroshima Applied Analysis Seminar, Hiroshima University, November, 2010.
- Refined asymptotic profiles for a semilinear heat equation, Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, September, 2010.
- Refined asymptotic profiles for a semilinear heat equation, 4th Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands, September, 2010
- On the heat equation in a half-space with a nonlinear boundary condition, The 2nd GCOE International Symposium "Weaving Science Web beyond Particle-Matter Hierarchy", Tohoku University, February, 2010.
- On the heat equation in a half space with a nonlinear boundary condition, The second Chile-Japan workshop on nonlinear elliptic and parabolic PDEs, Meiji University, December, 2009.
- On the heat equation in a half space with a nonlinear boundary condition, 1st Italian-Japanese workshop on geometric properties for parabolic and elliptic PDE's, Tohoku University, June, 2009.
- On the heat equation in a half-space with a nonlinear boundary condition, Variational Problems and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto, June, 2009.
- Large time behavior of solutions for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition, 2009 NCTS Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Partial Differential Equations, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan, February, 2009.
- Entropy dissipations methods for the sign-changing solutions of some semilinear heat equations with the nonlinear boundary condition, Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics 2008, Miyazaki University, September, 2008.
- Entropy dissipations methods for the sign-changing solutions of some semilinear heat equations with the nonlinear boundary condition, The 9th Hiroshima Applied Analysis Seminar, Hiroshima University, September, 2008.
- Entropy dissipations methods for the sign-changing solutions of heat equations with the nonlinear boundary condition, 7th AIMS International Conference on Dyn. Systems, Diff. Equations and Applications, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, May, 2008.
- Entropy dissipations methods for the sign-changing solutions of heat equations with the nonlinear boundary condition, Taiwan-Tohoku Seminar on Differential Equations, Tohoku University, April, 2008.
- Entropy dissipations methods for the sign-changing solutions of heat equations with the nonlinear boundary condition, Minnesota-Tohoku seminar on PDE's, University of Minnesota, USA, March, 2008.
- Entropy dissipations methods for the sign-changing solutions of heat equations with the nonlinear boundary condition, The 9th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis, Hokkaido University, February, 2008.
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions for some semilinear heat equations in RN, International Conference on Free boundary Problems in Chiba, Chiba University, November, 2007.
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions for some semilinear heat equations in RN, Equadiff 2007, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, August, 2007.
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions for some semilinear heat equations, The 8th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis, Tohoku University, February, 2007.
- Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for Some Semilinear Heat Equation in RN, NCTS 2006 International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan, November, 2006.